Rep. Weaver Lists Top Priorities as Spring 2024 Legislative Session Begins

We’re back! I am very excited to be back in Springfield for the start of the Spring 2024 legislative session alongside my colleagues, Reps. Amy Elik and Bradley Fritts.

There’s a lot of work to be done to unleash Illinois’ potential, and I’m excited to introduce, debate, and pass legislation to:

  • Restore the Invest in Kids Scholarship Program. ?
  • Reduce taxes and regulations. ?
  • Invest in and develop Illinois’ vast network of physical, energy, and telecommunications infrastructure. ?
  • Retain and attract people to live, work, and raise their families in Illinois. ?‍?‍?

If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas on how we can improve our communities, don’t hesitate to give my office a call at (309) 204-6514, or send an email to