Rep. Weaver’s Chief of Staff, Nick Wheeler, Heading Out on Military Leave

Good morning, Illinois’ 93rd District! I just wanted to take a minute and update everyone on some temporary changes within my Office. 

In addition to his job as my chief of staff, Nick also serves our country as a soldier in the Illinois Army National Guard, and, recently, he has been ordered to active duty starting later this month. We’re truly going to miss him while he’s away, but I, along with everyone in my Office, are incredibly proud of him, and we are so grateful for the sacrifices he and his family make to keep our country safe, secure, and free. 

To cover Nick while he’s gone, I’ve enlisted the help of my good friend and trusted colleague, State Representative Bill Hauter. His incredible chief of staff, Anne, has very graciously agreed to help me out until Nick gets back in August. So, if you call my Office looking for Nick, and Anne answers, just know that’s by design, and she will be able to help you with your question or concern. 

As always, please do not hesitate to give my Office a call if we can be of any assistance, and please join me in wishing Nick well during his training! Thanks, Nick, and we’ll see you when you get back!