Rep. Weaver: AFE Awareness Day Coming on March 27

AFE (Amniotic Fluid Embolism) is a rare and catastrophic event affecting 1 in every 40,000 pregnancies. Nearly 40 percent of victims experience cardiac arrest as the first symptom.

This unexpected life-threatening complication can affect both the mother and baby and is thought to result from an allergic-like reaction to the fluid that enters the mother’s bloodstream. It can occur during labor or soon after delivery.

AFE Awareness Day will be held later this month on March 27, and raising awareness for AFE is crucial for early recognition and prompt intervention to improve outcomes for mothers and babies. Many healthcare staff who encounter a patient with AFE will likely have no actual AFE patient care experience and limited practice in how to respond.

The AFE Foundation does an incredible job of supporting healthcare workers and educating them on AFEs. They offer many resources geared toward doctors and nurses and that is where lives are saved. Funding is needed to provide education, research, and support for this cause.

To learn more about this rare but life-threatening medical complication, visit this website: Amniotic Fluid Embolism Foundation (